
Uber plans to launch driverless cars in 2023 in Las Vegas. Well, this gambling capital may be an appropriate city for this kind of venture. Uber are of course not betting their shirt on this, and they will have drivers in the „driverless“ cars to start with.

To be fair, the wide roads and spacious layout of this city in the desert will be an easier challenge than many places. And if anyone will benefit from this technology (apart from the IT experts and manufacturers) it is Uber.

Huge driverless truck do an excellent job transporting ore in Australian mines. But this is of course a controlled environment with no other vehicles.

The general opinion is it will take years before driverless vehicles can cope safely and reliably, without becoming dumbfounded by the multitude of situations regularly met by drivers in cities worldwide. If indeed it happens at all!

So I and my colleagues are happy, not only to drive you, but provide all additional logistic assistance.